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HVAC Refrigerant Conversions

If you are not already aware of the EPA’s regulation changes on HCFC refrigerants that could impact your existing commercial or residential HVAC system, then this article is intended for you.

The phaseout of HCFC refrigerants, or R-22 when specifically referring to the impact on an HVAC system, may put you in a position to make some difficult decisions about your current HVAC system in Longview, TX Area. That is why Alco Air is here to give you as much insight and information as possible, beginning with this article. HCFC Refrigerant Phase Out & Ban R22, also known as HCFC-22. is the most common HCFC still in use today, which is a compound that is very destructive to the Earth’s protective ozone layer. It is a class II controlled substance, and part of a larger effort to eliminate the production of ozone-depleting chemicals. If your AC unit was manufactured after 2010, then there is more than likely no cause for concern. However, if your system was manufactured prior to 2010 then you will eventually be forced to make the decision to replace or convert your existing system to a safer alternative. The refrigerant 410A will most likely take the place of R-22 as the most used refrigerant in the industry.

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R22 is still being manufactured. The complete ban will come in 2020, as dictated by the Environmental Protection Agency. In the meantime, the price has skyrocketed and the availability has diminished. And although you can still purchase it up until the deadline, it will be at a premium.  Thus, this is an issue we’re urging homeowners to address as soon as possible to avoid complications closer to the deadline.

There are a handful of alternative refrigerants such as R-407C, R-438A and R-404A that can be utilized, but your system will require some level of conversion. Also keep in mind that your unit was never intended to use these substitutes, and the conversion could potentially nullify your warranty or overwhelm your old unit. Therefore, this option is not exactly advised for a long-term solution or optimal system efficiency. Just keep in mind that a system that is limping along is utilizing more energy than necessary, which in turn costs you money. And with Texas summers getting hotter and lasting longer, it just makes sense to consider the advantages of replacing your HVAC system now before prices go up any higher. 

In addition to addressing the need for a refrigerant conversion, you will always enjoy these standard benefits associated with installing a new, more efficient HVAC system, including:

The Right HCFC Refrigerant Phase Out Solution For You

We have given you some basic information on the routes you can take to resolve this matter, but remember two of them are only temporary. Regardless of your current decision, we strongly advise you to begin factoring a new system into your budget to avoid an exorbitant refrigerant bill paired with a serious headache once the deadline rolls around. If you don’t you will certainly wish you did!

Give Alco Air a call at (903) 212-7708 to schedule a free evaluation of your current system. We can show you just how comfortable, efficient and affordable a converted or replaced HVAC system will be!

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